
  • Abed Arroniz

    Memory Museum

  • "The Last Street Fighter" B.A. Tatum

  • "The Notorious Emo" C.C. Boost

  • "Papi Guapo" Diego Alvarez

  • "The Frozen One" Don Freeze

  • "The Nu Thing" Elle Valentine

  • "Strong Spirit" Gabriel Skye

  • Jobz

    The Ultimate Powers

  • "The Cold Hard Truth" Johnny Pierce

  • Joe Krule

    Memory Museum

  • King Crab

  • "Moonlight Son" Mike Skyros

  • Mullet Man

    The Ultimate Powers

  • "The OBro" Owen Brody

  • "Mr. Elegant" Preston Douglas

  • "Rabid" Ryan Mooney

  • Selena Hekate

  • Spike

  • Ultimo Ant

    The Colony